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The mystery of Okinawa

Takanashi always walks two miles a day, and
he sometimes rides a motorcycle. He often works in
his garden, and he usually does martial arts in the
morning. He is never stressed, and he is hardly ever sick.
Not unusual, right? But Takanashi is ____ years old.

Takanashi lives on the island of Okinawa in Japan. In
Okinawa people live a very long time. They are hardly ever
sick. Many people live to be 100 – more people than in other
parts of the world. Why? What is their secret?

The Okinawans eat vegetables, fruit, fish, soy, and rice.
They usually have seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
People don't usually drink much alcohol or smoke. They don't
eat much meat or fast food.


Physical activity is very important to the people of Okinawa.
Martial arts, walking, traditional dancing, and gardening are
very popular with people of all ages.

In many countries, people have healthy diets and exercise.
But the unusual thing about people in Okinawa is that they
are not stressed. They are relaxed and take their time. Buses
are hardly ever on time, and people often arrive an hour
late for meetings. Every evening hundreds of people,
young and old, go to the beach to watch the
beautiful sunset. People often meditate to relax.


Another important thing is that people often work
until they are 80 – sometimes until 90! In the
Okinawan dialect there is no word for “retired.”
They are busy and active all their lives. Older people don't
stay at home – they go out and meet friends.
When journalists ask people “What is the secret of
your long life?”, they answer “We are happy, we are
always positive, and we are never in a hurry.”


Look at the photo of Takanashi. What nationality is he? How old do you think he is?

Read the first paragraph of the article and write the highlighted word in the chart.

100 always     
0    ____________

Add an adverb of frequency to the sentences to make them true for you. Compare with a partner. Are you similar or different?

1 I (never) walk to work/ school
2 I (____) exercise.
3 I (____) use public transportation
4 I am (____) stressed
5 I am (____) late


Read the second paragraph of the article. What is unusual about Okinawan people? What do you think their secret is?

Read the rest of the article. Put a heading in each blank.

Always active
Low stress
A healthy diet

Read the article again. In pairs, guess the meaning of the highlighted words and phrases. Check with your teacher or a dictionary.

Do people in your country live like the Okinawans? What's different? What's the same?


Complete the quiz with a time word. e.g., a minute.

sixty seconds ___________
sixty minutes ___________
twenty-four hours ___________
seven days ___________
four weeks ___________
twelve months ___________

M T W Th F S S every day
week 1, week 2, etc every w_________
Jan., Feb., March, etc. every m_________
2001, 2002, 2003, etc every y_________

only on Mondays
once a _____________
on Mondays and Wednesdays
twice a _____________
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
three times a _____________
in January, April, July and October
four times a_____________


1 a2 b1 c0
2 a2 b1 c0
3 a2 b1 c0
4 a0 b2 c1
5 a2 b1 c0
6 a0 b2 c1
7 a0 b1 c2
8 a2 b1 c0
9 a2 b1 c0
10 a0 b1 c2

What's your score?
0-7 Your philosophy is “a short life and happy one.” Have a good time

8-14 Your life style is OK, but you don't live the Okinawa way. You need to change some things if you want to have a very long life.

15-20 Congratulations! You live the Okinawa way. You have a very good chance of living until you are 100 years old (or more!).

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